Legal mentions
This website is the property of Viveca Llorens.
According to French law “Article L341 du code de la Propriété Intellectuelle”, it is not permitted to extract any part whatsoever of the information found on this website.
Editor :
Viveca Llorens
Mail : vivecallorens@yahoo.com
Responsible for the website:
Viveca Llorens, webdesigner
Collected information :
Name and email.
Why we collect these :
For intern communication and analysis only. To communicate through the website and send commercial offers.
For how long :
3 months.
"Droit d’auteur" – Copyright :
This website relates to French and International law concerning copyright and intellectual property.
All rights are reserved, including downloadable documents, as well as drawings, logos and photographs.
The reproduction of all or part of this website on any format whatsoever, electronic or paper, is forbidden except if you are authorized by the Responsible for the website.
The brands quoted on the website are registred by their owners.
Logos & images : Viveca Llorens
Webhoster :
150 Pierre Mercure
Montréal, Québec
H1A 5A9